Unlimited multi-level dropdown menu using dashes with Javascript version 2

Unlimited multi-level dropdown menu using dashes with Javascript version 2

NameUnlimited multi-level dropdown menu using dashes with Javascript version 2
Make withHTML,Javascript
Keywordscodemai, Unlimited multi-level dropdown menu using dashes with Javascript version 2

How to use?

To create a menu item named "Home" that linked with "https://example.com" . Find the ul tag with class '_create_menu'.

Unlimited multi-level dropdown menu using dashes with Javascript version 2

Then insert a li tag like the following image inside

Unlimited multi-level dropdown menu using dashes with Javascript version 2

To create a submenu for the "Home" menu item that containing items:

  • Home 1 is linked with "https://example.com/home-1"
  • Home 2 is linked with "https://example.com/home-2"
  • Home 3 is linked with "https://example.com/home-3"

You just need to add one dash ( _ ) character before each item name, like this:

Unlimited multi-level dropdown menu using dashes with Javascript version 2

But for now, If you create a submenu can show and hide, when you click on "Home" item to show its sub menu, "https:example.com" will be opened. So, you must set the value of data-href of "Home" item to '#' or remove "data-href" of it. 

Unlimited multi-level dropdown menu using dashes with Javascript version 2

Similarly, to create a sub-menu for items or for items of sub-menu. You only need to add a number of dash (_) characters equal to the number of dash (_) characters of item that contain that submenu and plus 1.


Unlimited multi-level dropdown menu using dashes with Javascript version 2

and you will have:

Unlimited multi-level dropdown menu using dashes with Javascript version 2

To add a class to sub-menu. Find 

Unlimited multi-level dropdown menu using dashes with Javascript version 2

and replace 'sub-menu' with your sub-menu class.

In case you want to see Unlimited multi-level dropdown menu using dashes with Javascript version 1.